
The opposite of empowered is stuckness. Think about the problem that is bothering you right now. Do you feel empowered or do you feel stuck?
All of us get stuck sometimes. Everyone knows the feeling of not knowing the next step or not wanting to look forward. If these feelings are starting to interfere with your everyday life and relationships, perhaps it’s time to get another perspective. Living in a state of stuckness lowers our ability to make decisions leading to feelings of anxiety, worry, and anger. People get stuck over a variety of decisions, both large and small.

For example, people get stuck making decisions about:

  • Relationships: Should I stay or should I go?
  • Careers: Do you have the self-confidence to see your own value?
  • Friendships: Are you hanging on to toxic friendships out of displaced loyalty?
  • Boundary issues: Do you have the skills to set appropriate boundaries with those you love?
Contact Robin to start empowering work today.